What to expect when you visit!

There is an informal and friendly feeling on Sunday mornings. On a regular Sunday, we start around 10 a.m. and it lasts until around 11.30. People often enjoy a coffee before we get started with singing that includes both classic hymns and new songs. We’ve been told many times that our service is comfortable for people who have not been to church before. We like to talk after the service is over as well and it’s not uncommon for people to hang around for as much as an hour.

We have Sunday school for the kids, a separate teaching time for the youth, and also we have volunteers that can look after your toddlers!

We dress casual, jeans are more than ok, but if you like to dress up, go for it!

Anyway, nothing that we can describe here compares with the actual experience of seeing it live! So come up and join us!